Turns Out We Didn’t – Legislative Update:
Last week’s newsletter was titled: “Second Week of Veto Session, Will We Get More Done Than Last Week (Which Was Nothing)?”
As it turns out, the answer was “No”. The House met last week for the last three days scheduled until the middle of January. There was no meaningful pension fix, and no action on the important Invest in Kids scholarship program, which I discuss below. There was no final action on a map for the Chicago elected school board. And of course there was no action on ethics reform or oversight and reforms for DCFS. As we all took a moment to pause and reflect on the service of our nation’s veterans this weekend, I’ll share a story of a Crystal Lake woman who was one of the first to serve in the Navy during WWII.
Hot Topic of the Week:
“[T]hey dare to push fake morals, insult and stare
While money doesn’t talk, it swears obscenity.”
Bob Dylan, “It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)”
The “Invest in Kids” act was officially declared dead at 1:43 on Thursday afternoon, when the House adjourned without taking up the governor’s veto of an extension of the program. As a result, over 9,000 kids who benefited from this program will get shoved back into underperforming schools and over 20,000 kids who were hoping to be considered for the program have had their hopes dashed.
Originally passed in 2018 as part of the package that led to additional state funding for education (which I supported) using an “Evidence Based” model that has kicked in an additional $300 million per year of state money into our public schools, the intent of Invest in Kids was to get kids, mostly minorities, out of underperforming public schools and into private schools of their parents’ choosing. It provided for funding of up to $75 million per year, paid for private donations for which an income tax credit was available.
Since 2018, the state has increased funding for K-12 education by some $2 billion, and spending per student has increased over 30% since 2019. In fiscal year 2023, K-12 education received over $10.26 billion in funding, which is 38.5% of the state’s operational budget. Even if the program had fulfilled its full funding authority of $75 million (which it never did), the loss to the education budget would have been a little over $20 million. For the mathematically challenged, that would be somewhat less than two-tenths of one percent of the entire education budget, nothing more than a rounding error.
Here’s how much spending per student increased during the past 4 years:

And what have we gotten for that additional $2 billion in funding? The October 30 release of the Illinois State Board of Election’s “Report Card” shows that there has been some improvement in academic performance since 2019 (the year before the COVID pandemic, and not a particularly banner year as far as academic performance goes). Here are some “fun facts” from the Report Card (comparisons are 2019 to 2023):
- Statewide enrollment has declined by 126,729
- Chronic absenteeism has risen from 17.5% in 2019 to 29.8% in 2023
Performance Levels Declined as Follows:
- English Language Arts scores:

- Math:

From the opening bell, the long knives were out against this program even though it enjoyed broad support from the very constituencies it was meant to benefit. While at no time did the program reach its $75 million authorization level, the caterwauling by the usual suspects would make you believe that we were bankrupting the public school system.
When I say “usual suspects” I mean of course our good friends in the teachers’ unions. Since January of 2022 the Illinois Federation of Teachers has provided over $5.1 million in campaign contributions, the overwhelming majority of which went to Democrats. Let’s not forget that it’s these same teachers’ unions that kept our schools closed long after it became clear that school attendance had little to no effect on COVID transmission. Monopolies are bad, government monopolies are the worst.
There are a lot of Democratic legislators who supported an extension of the program, especially in districts with a preponderance of minority students. But the Speaker didn’t let the extension come to a vote because he couldn’t get the 71 votes needed for an override from his own caucus, even when he didn’t need that many to achieve an override because there were certainly 40 members on our side of the aisle who would vote for it. Instead, he took one for the team so as to not antagonize that ever so fertile source of campaign cash. I guess that goes with the job, but it certainly isn’t a profile in political courage.
There’s always hope that another bill can be passed in the spring session which would apply retroactively and keep the program going. But until that day comes, I think it’s only fair that those legislators who saw fit to torpedo this program would have the decency to contact the families living in their districts whose kids benefitted from the program and who they sold out for filthy lucre to tell them how sorry they are.
Veterans Day

I was proud to join and participate in the Veterans Day ceremony in McHenry County on Saturday as we all took the day to honor and remember all who have served our nation in uniform. As one of my colleagues who is a Veteran remarked on the House floor this week, every Veteran has a story.
In that vein, I enjoyed reading this article highlighting Lorraine Miller’s story about enlisting in the Navy after the attack at Pearl Harbor. She was one of the first 200 women to join the Navy in our nation’s history. At 101, she lives in Crystal Lake and is still going strong. I wanted to share that story with you, and I hope you’ll take a moment to read about her service, her life, and her love of Matthew McConaughey: At 101, Crystal Lake woman recalls enlisting in the Navy the day after Pearl Harbor’s bombing

Illinois Veterans History Project
It’s important to preserve the stories of our veterans. That is why Illinois military veterans and their families are being asked to share their stories, photos and mementos for future generations as part of the Illinois Veterans History Project.
The Illinois Veterans History Project is a statewide initiative that collects, preserves and makes accessible first-hand recollections of veterans and civilians who served the five military branches. Materials that are submitted will be digitized and available online.
To submit an entry, visit www.ilsos.gov/veteranshistoryproject and complete and fill out an Illinois Patriot Information Form to the Illinois State Library. Completed forms can be submitted electronically to ilvhp@ilsos.gov or by mail to:
Illinois State Library: 300 S. Second St. Springfield, IL 62701−1796.
For more information about the Illinois Veterans History Project, call (800) 665-5576 – ext. 4, email ilvhp@ilsos.gov or visit the website at www.ilsos.gov/veteranshistoryproject.
The public can visit www.idaillinois.org and search Veterans History Project to view submissions, which can be searched by name, war, and hometown of veterans who have submitted materials. Oral history interviews are also available on the project’s YouTube page at: www.youtube.com/user/ilveteransproject.
Happenings Around McHenry County:
We’re heading into the week before Thanksgiving, which of course is also the beginning of the Christmas holidays. If you’re thinking about doing some early Christmas shopping, come out to McHenry County on the day after Thanksgiving and spend a day browsing through our many antique shops and then stay for the annual lighting of the Woodstock Square. There’s a lot to offer, and it’s always great to receive a gift that may be something out of the ordinary.

Accentuate the Positive
Since we’ve had a run of depressing news for the past few weeks, I’m going to include a “Lucky Strike Extra” to this week’s newsletter in the form of an endorsement. I’ve long been a Van Morrison fan, and he just released an album of 1950’s rock and roll called “Accentuate the Positive” that’s really good. Click here for a sample. I may be an old guy, but the music of today’s generation just doesn’t stack up against the classics.

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