Reick Releases Results of 2017 Winter Legislative Survey

State Representative Steve Reick (R-Woodstock) has released the results of his 2017 Winter Survey.

In February, Reick mailed the survey to approximately 35,000 District 63 households. An online version of the survey was also posted on his web site. Approximately 500 households participated. “The results of the survey fell right in line with the types of comments I hear every day from the people I represent,” said Reick. “They are fed up with the Democrat leaders’ tax-and-spend policies and want lawmakers to cut the wasteful spending and approve a balanced budget.”

The survey included 11 multiple choice questions and also provided participants with an opportunity to add additional feedback and suggestions through an open-ended question. When asked what they felt the most important issue currently affecting the State of Illinois was, 54% of the respondents pointed to budgets and deficits as the state’s largest problem, and an additional 21% said the need for pension reform was the state’s greatest challenge.

Respondents were split nearly 50-50 with regard to whether or not they had personally been affected by the budget impasse, and when asked how lawmakers should go about balancing the budget, the most popular response was to use a combination of budget cuts and new revenue (increased taxes). For that question a large number of respondents wrote in their own preferred method for budget management, with several asking legislators to take steps to eliminate all wasteful spending.

In recognition of the burden that unfunded mandates place on schools, 71% of those who participated in the survey said they would support a ban on unfunded mandates. In a question regarding the possible expansion of gambling in Illinois, again 71% said they were opposed to any further expansion of the gaming industry. On a question about a possible tax on services in Illinois, respondents were split almost down the middle, with a slight majority of respondents weighing in against a service industry tax.

“I appreciate everyone who took the time to respond to the survey and feel I have solid marching orders as the Springfield voice for northern McHenry County,” said Reick.

Click here to view the full survey results.